Monthly Archives: April 2018

Swimming Dogs

Swimming is not just good for your body, but also for your dog’s. That is, if your dog likes swimming. Some really don’t and would rather stay on land. But there are plenty of ways to make your dog comfortable in the water, it takes time and patience if your dog isn’t really a fan of water – it is worth the effort though. It is fun to join your dog in the water. A bit different from a walk in the park!

An added bonus is that dogs need to use more of their muscle power to get around in the water than on land, this is a great way to get dogs into shape. Regular swimming sessions will help build muscle. The added muscle mass can prevent injuries, especially at an older age. At first your dog may be hesistant to spend a lot of time swimming, this is quite normal. He or she needs to adjust to water – but you should see a gradual increase in time spend swimming.

And here are some cute dogs enjoying the water :

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